
A Drooling Tribute to my Favorite Nut: THE Almond.

It would be better if Steve wrote this "review" himself. He already understands the weight of his words. He knows what he wrote about himself is true for so many of us out there. That’s why he wrote it. He knows he is not alone. He knows we needed those words. He knows he is the one who can deliver them in such a way that we collectively ban together, physically & mentally, to give each other the nod. The nod that so simply states “I understand you, I am with you. Let’s fucking rock out”

Confused? I speak of the book, Rock & Roll Will Save Your Life, by the man who very rapidly became my favorite author. It was (Not That You Asked) that convinced me I loved his writing style, his content, his devotion, his humor. It was Candyfreak that breathed achievement into my cavities, and cleared away my guilt as I finished an entire box of nerds almost daily, realized I was NOT the only one who felt that way about circus peanuts, and reminded me of simpler times with simpler candy. It was the first chapter of Rock & Roll that convinced me, that as of April 13 2010, Steve Almond is my favorite author.

Every page was a new journey, truth, laugh, or squeal. I read passages aloud(sometimes falling on deaf ears)- so enthralled with every word I just had to share. Someone else had to know how perfectly this book described me, my thoughts, my feelings.

I finished the book today. I was dragging my feet a lot with this book. I did not want it to end. Every word is truth. He managed to harness the energy of so many musicians that we drool over, and spew out an entire book of words that he most definitely pulled out of MY brain. And when he wasn’t taking the ideas from my brain, he was putting them in. When I wasn’t squealing at a mention of Patty Griffin, Bob Schneider or Hem- I was adding artists to my ever growing list of “musicians to most likely fall in love with” . Any reference that wasn’t taken from me, was aimed at me- as if to say “HEY! You there! Go check out this fucking cd/artist/song. You know you will love it” I think I even found myself talking back to the book at times, with my own suggestions. This is something we thrive on... us “Drooling Fanatics”.

Steve successfully coined the term “Drooling Fanatic” and defined it brilliantly, poetically, and with brutal honesty. He lit up our strengths and called out our weakness’. With this book Steve has no doubt created an underground army. An army of emotionally fragile people full of musical arrogance, with the power to change the world-but who are too preoccupied organizing their music libraries to do so. People holding onto rare artifacts thrown by sweaty musicians. Musicians we can’t help but love so deeply, its sick- yet feels so right.

I will never be ashamed of my alphabetized record/cd collection, the size & contents of my iPod, the disgusting amounts of knowledge I possess about hundreds of musicians, and the amount of time I dedicate to learning more. I am not alone. I am not the only one who is left dumb and stumbling over words in the presence of rock god-dom. Steve has explained me, so I don't have to.

My Name is Emily. And I am a Drooling Fanatic.

“Maybe it was the music itself--the sounds as my body and heart received them--that the magic resided. Maybe my failure was some kind of subconscious effort to preserve the joy of being a Drooling Fanatic.”

Just as so many musicians have crept into my heart, soul, brain and made the most amazing music “just for me”; Steve Almond has done the same with Rock & Roll Will Save Your Life.

That "review" would have been better if Steve wrote it himself.

side note: I have been challenged by Steve, in this book to create my "Desert Island Discs" list(only 10 YIKES). I shall attempt, in time, to successfully complete this list. stay tuned...


"I am looking for a 'dare to be great' situation

Today I took a step... the first step.

there are more than 12 in this program.

I talk of Adobe After Effects.
I really only started "officially" editing video about 6 months ago.
Final Cut was easy, in theory. I had general knowledge, and previous "experience" (read:fucking around for years with Windows Movie Maker/ iMovie) And though Final Cut is a way more in depth program than those, once i have the building blocks, it seems as though I can fake it til I make it, which is exactly what I did.

And then I got ambitious.

And then I got After Effects. And not the "after effects" that you get from a night of drinking, or sleeping with your cousin.
This program holds so much in it's confines, its almost threatening to my life. The potential is scary and exciting at the same time.

[check it]
This is what I'm looking at & dealing with. Seeing a gigantic mound of ice, sitting above water. Not knowing what to do with it... and knowing still there is more waiting for me that I haven't even seen yet.

Yet it's something that I can't wait to learn. Literally, I can't wait. I'm extremely impatient. Not only will this program test my patience, but my skill, creativity, drive, passion... yikes.

I made a flower move today. This was a big step. Up until now, I would open the program, and begin to cry...not quite literally, but just thinking of all the power that is right there at my fingertips, and not having the SLIGHTEST idea of what to do next, is well, intimidating to say the least.

[check it]

Knowing just how much I COULD accomplish and create with this program has actually been stifling me. I don't wanna start something I can't finish. So up until today, I put it off.

Yet here I am. I have begun to chip away at the fear of failure and disappointment. I have begun to convince myself of my own potential. This is something I want to get good at...and I can't let my own impatience get in my way this time.

Testing my potential seems to be a theme lately, in many areas of my life; And I am welcoming it. Quite stubbornly, but I believe in baby steps until it's time to leap.

For now, it's all about what I can do soon, and not what I can't do yet.